In the case of japan, has the appreciation of the yen led to a reduction of the current account surplus? 以日本为例,日圆升值有否令经常帐盈馀减少?
But if you appreciation can reduce surplus, in fact is not necessarily so. 但是如果你升值可以降低顺差的话,其实并不一定是这样的。
For China, we expect it to resume RMB appreciation in the first half of this year as exports rebound and the trade surplus remains high. 至于中国,由于出口反弹和贸易顺差维持高位,我们预计今年上半年存在人民币升值的可能性。
Exchange rate appreciation by itself will not get rid of the surplus. 汇率升值本身并不能消除盈余。
The PBoC has generally argued that currency appreciation is essential to stemming the growth of the trade surplus and the unchecked flow of speculative funds into China. 中国央行的主要立场一直是,要想抑制贸易顺差增长、阻止投机资金无制约的流入,货币升值是不可或缺的手段。
A modest appreciation of the renminbi will not by itself wipe out America's trade deficit or China's trade surplus. 人民币小幅度的升值不会自然而然地解决美国的财政赤字和中国的贸易盈余。
Analysis on Whether RMB Appreciation Can Change Growth Trend of Trade Surplus and Foreign Exchange Reserves in China 人民币升值能否改变贸易顺差与外汇储备增长的趋势
Conversely, if, as has been the case for Japan in the past, a large surplus persisted, despite an exchange rate appreciation, the global deflationary impulse from the Chinese surplus would continue to pose a challenge. 相反,如果像日本以往的情况那样,中国的巨额盈余持续存在,即使人民币升值,但中国盈余导致的全球通缩冲动也将继续构成挑战。
As long as Beijing maintains its present posture of allowing only an incremental appreciation of its currency, the renminbi, and runs a large trade surplus, its reserves will continue to balloon. 只要中国保持目前的姿态,只允许人民币渐进升值,并拥有巨额贸易顺差,那么中国的外汇储备就将继续大幅增长。
A Substantial Analysis between Japanese Yen Currency Appreciation and Japanese Trade Surplus 日元汇率变动与日本贸易差额关系的实证分析
Hence a change in Sino-US trade surplus of machinery and electronic products requires the joint efforts of both sides, it is impractical just rely on the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate to solve the surplus problem. 因此改变中美机电产品贸易顺差需要中美双方的共同努力,只依靠人民币的升值去解决是不切实际的。
With the rapid development of economy, the appreciation will inevitably lead to a surplus of capital. Therefore, the capital must be directed properly; otherwise, it will cause virtual economy, such as capital run into the stock market and real estates. 经济的过快发展,货币升值势必导致本国过剩的资本,而这些资本必须进行正确的引导,否则会引发资本流入股市、房地产等虚拟经济,导致泡沫经济。
The sustainable appreciation expectations of RMB will continue to lead to high surplus of China trade with America. 这一观点直接导致要求人民币升值的呼声高涨,使人民币形成持续的升值预期,反而将继续导致中国对美贸易顺差居高不下。
In theory, the RMB appreciation can reduce trade surplus at the same time alleviate domestic inflation, however, it is not so simple. 理论上,人民币升值可以有效减少贸易顺差同时缓减国内通货膨胀,然而,事实并非如此简单。